Our estimated departure date is July 21st from Akhiok or Alitak,
depending on weather.
Operation from Chirikof Island (new-one NA-235) till August 2nd.

We had plans for Seal Islands (NA-239), but it is highly unlikely at this
time due to financial and schedule concerns.

Since the island has two lakes, fastest, safest and easiest way is
charter an airplane from Kodiak.  With many positive referrals from
Kodiak we contacted Mr. Steve Harvey from
Harvey Flying Service
and reached agreement for transportation of our group.

One interesting fact: no bears on the island, but herd of about
700-800 wild cows. Cows live on the island for over 100 years and
herd never was managed successfully. Electric fence for antennas
and camp might help us.

It will be typical Russian Robinson Club operation (4 or more Ops) and
about one week on the island, depending on WX.

Merle K5MT (ex N6PYN) and Brad KA5CDJ activated NA-239 Seal
Island in 2009, but they had to leave ASAP due to circumstances
beyond their control.

Planned call: KL7RRC on Chirikof.

From Expedition Team
Chirikof Island DXpedition IOTA NA-235   
Semidi Islands Group

KL7RRC    July 22-August 2nd, 2010
Chirikof Island DXpedition IOTA NA-235   
Semidi Islands Group
RRC Dxpeditions                                                         Tel (800)977-0448
1941 Lake Whatcom Blvd #155                                 Fax (206)374-2186
Bellingham, WA 98229 USA                                      email: N3QQ at NA-234.com
Latest news:
August 5th, 2010

KL7RRC/P Expedition is over.
Main goal is accomplished, Chirikof Island is activated.

Details and pictures next few days after rest of our Team (Alex RW3RN and Yuri
UA9OBA) arrive in Seattle August 7th.

We thank all of you for your support and help!
_ _ ...  ... _ _

TU ..

July 29th, 2010
A picnic after installation of stainless steel plate

L-R Alex RW3RN, Yuri UA9OBA

June 16th,  2010 our shipment is loaded for transportation to Alitak. We are thankful to
Mr. Woody Knebel from
Ocean Beauty Seafoods for help with logistics for our expedition.
We also would like to thank Mike Crossley
KF7BIG for getting 2nd generator for us  to
loading dock on a very short notice and Mike Chaplin
W7SSO for his technical expertise
helping us to fix second Ameritron ALS-600S amplifier!
Q: How much this Jeep can take?
Answer: 814lbs of cargo and a driver
Coastal Trader, departing Seattle on June
18th with arrival date in Alitak June 23rd
NOAA group is going to Alitak  to perform a
maintenance of
equipment. We will miss
them by  one week!